Well, not physically. Just the blog. I've switched over to wordpress.com after reading and playing with somethings. Kevin brought it up because he was wanting to start a blog. So far, I like it much more then blogger. And, it has a much nicer iPad/iPhone app. (Which is needed since I do tend to post from my phone and iPad.)
Anyway here is the link for our new blog. Come check it out and subscribe to it. :)
And if you wanted to check out Kevin's, here's his: Aincompletegamer.wordpress.com
I'll be updating it again soon. Hopefully with pics of what I've been working on all day. :)
Hope you have all had a good weekend.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Weekend of firsts
This weekend has been a fairly busy one...Saturday specifically. Friday night we had dinner at Red Robbin with mom and dad (Lilith's request). Then cards. Lilith ended up spending the night. Saturday morning, Grams and Papa got her new booster seat put together and the Lilith got a special outing...a ride in Papa's car. They went to the gas station, Safeway (for treats...she had a dry Pull-Up that morning), and then Starbucks...just the 2 of them. From what I hear, Papa really enjoyed their special time. I think he had her help shift, too. Last night, Lilith was telling me "Papa had me do this" and then make the movement with her hand. He used to have Shawn help when he was little, too.

My Saturday was spent in the kitchen pretty much all day. Over the past couple of weeks, I have acquired 2 new cookbooks. A friend sent me Deceptively Delicious. And then I bought the second one, Doubly Delicious. Saturday was about trying some new foods. Once I got up, I got busy steaming and pureeing spinach and carrots and broiling some beets (they got pureed, too). I made the chocolate cake with beet purée and chocolate cream cheese frosting. Kevin made chicken parmesan with spinach in the breading and carrots in the sauce, asparagus 2 ways (1 with bacon), and guiltless mashed potatoes (with cauliflower). (The cake was out of the first book and the chicken was out of the second. The rest Kevin found online.)

Dinner wasn't too bad. Lilith tried the asparagus with bacon and then told me " No thank you." It's something new I'm trying with her...she has to take one bite and if she doesn't like it, she can tell me "No, thank you." It's something I read online somewhere. Kevin tried and ate most of it. And I ate it all except for the other asparagus...didn't really like it that way. Dad had seconds. And mom picked the breading off the chicken and the bacon off of the asparagus.

And then there's the cake. Lilith had a piece and seemed to like it. Mom had a small piece, but didn't really like it. Dad stole a bite from Lilith's piece. And I had a piece later. It was really dense, almost like a brownie. And I just don't like cream cheese frosting evidently. It went out with the rest of the trash tonight and will not be made again. Good news is, couldn't really taste the beets (and I did actually taste them -and the spinach- after they were cooked.) The chicken might be made again. Some with the potatoes and asparagus with some other things tried.
This morning, I tried another new thing...pancakes from scratch. The current Food Network magazine had a recipe for strawberry pancakes with homemade syrup. The syrup was brown sugar dissolved in water and simmered for about 30 minutes. The pancakes have slices of strawberries placed in the batter once it's placed on the pan. Mine looked nothing like the pictures, but they tasted pretty good. I wasn't fond of the syrup, though. Lilith actually asked if I could make them again, but with blueberries. I still have batter leftover, so I might make her some in the morning. I think we will make some yogurt pops (out of the 1st cookbook) and some soap crayons.
One more quick Lilith story:
She's been wanting Kevin to play with her all day today. We had gone out for a little bit. As soon as we gone home, I heard "Mommy, I want to do something with you." Sadly, I had to tell her that I couldn't because I had to make dinner. She then went up to Kevin and told him he had to make dinner. LOL Unfortunately, had to go finish his paper. So, she got to watch a movie. Oh, and she ate all her dinner without us talking to her!!!
I can't believe she's already 4!


1/23/2011 Her actual birthday.

Her new trick.
She had her 4 year check up on 2/1/2011. Like always, she's perfect. 43" tall (100%) and 37.3lbs (50%). She also got all of her shots...5 of them. Poor thing! We weren't expecting them so Kevin hadn't gone with. :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

My Saturday was spent in the kitchen pretty much all day. Over the past couple of weeks, I have acquired 2 new cookbooks. A friend sent me Deceptively Delicious. And then I bought the second one, Doubly Delicious. Saturday was about trying some new foods. Once I got up, I got busy steaming and pureeing spinach and carrots and broiling some beets (they got pureed, too). I made the chocolate cake with beet purée and chocolate cream cheese frosting. Kevin made chicken parmesan with spinach in the breading and carrots in the sauce, asparagus 2 ways (1 with bacon), and guiltless mashed potatoes (with cauliflower). (The cake was out of the first book and the chicken was out of the second. The rest Kevin found online.)

Dinner wasn't too bad. Lilith tried the asparagus with bacon and then told me " No thank you." It's something new I'm trying with her...she has to take one bite and if she doesn't like it, she can tell me "No, thank you." It's something I read online somewhere. Kevin tried and ate most of it. And I ate it all except for the other asparagus...didn't really like it that way. Dad had seconds. And mom picked the breading off the chicken and the bacon off of the asparagus.

And then there's the cake. Lilith had a piece and seemed to like it. Mom had a small piece, but didn't really like it. Dad stole a bite from Lilith's piece. And I had a piece later. It was really dense, almost like a brownie. And I just don't like cream cheese frosting evidently. It went out with the rest of the trash tonight and will not be made again. Good news is, couldn't really taste the beets (and I did actually taste them -and the spinach- after they were cooked.) The chicken might be made again. Some with the potatoes and asparagus with some other things tried.
This morning, I tried another new thing...pancakes from scratch. The current Food Network magazine had a recipe for strawberry pancakes with homemade syrup. The syrup was brown sugar dissolved in water and simmered for about 30 minutes. The pancakes have slices of strawberries placed in the batter once it's placed on the pan. Mine looked nothing like the pictures, but they tasted pretty good. I wasn't fond of the syrup, though. Lilith actually asked if I could make them again, but with blueberries. I still have batter leftover, so I might make her some in the morning. I think we will make some yogurt pops (out of the 1st cookbook) and some soap crayons.
One more quick Lilith story:
She's been wanting Kevin to play with her all day today. We had gone out for a little bit. As soon as we gone home, I heard "Mommy, I want to do something with you." Sadly, I had to tell her that I couldn't because I had to make dinner. She then went up to Kevin and told him he had to make dinner. LOL Unfortunately, had to go finish his paper. So, she got to watch a movie. Oh, and she ate all her dinner without us talking to her!!!
I can't believe she's already 4!


1/23/2011 Her actual birthday.

Her new trick.
She had her 4 year check up on 2/1/2011. Like always, she's perfect. 43" tall (100%) and 37.3lbs (50%). She also got all of her shots...5 of them. Poor thing! We weren't expecting them so Kevin hadn't gone with. :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My baby's a 4year old!
Last week was a busy week for us! Sunday, January 23rd, was Lilith's 4th birthday! Why does time seem to go so fast??? Anyway, last week was full of birthday planning. I had a skirt I had to finish before Lilith's party, a house to clean and get ready, shopping, cupcakes and a cake to make and decorate, playgroup, and her party. Playgroup was at our house this week, so I made cupcakes for everyone. That was fun. Then we took the leftover ones to my mom's work to share. Wednesday night/Thursday morning, I found q really cool idea for decorating Lilith's cake. It's a good thing I tried it Thursday night because it was a huge FAIL! LOL I tried it again Friday morning and made the final one Friday night. I ended up doing it again Saturday morning because Friday's was cracking. (I'll post more info and pictures later...writing all this on my iPhone while kiddo plays at the park.) Anyway, the cake was adorable and just what I was wanting it to be. More importantly, Lilith loved it! After she below her candles out, she proclaimed this to be "The Best Birthday EVER!" And at bedtime, she thanked me for her beautiful cake. Aww! Anyway, she had a wonderful birthday weekend and was very spoiled! That's ok, we are allowed to spoil our only baby, right? Along with lots of toys and clothes, she got a fish tank and fish. We are at 13 now: 5 neon tetras, 5 glow tetras, and 3 algae eaters.
We also bought her a booster seat. Target had one on sale for $35 and the reviews were really good, so we went ahead and bought it. It is currently in the garage waiting for Lilith to grow just a bit more. Last I measured her, she's at 41.5" tall (that's half an inch since Thanksgiving!) and 36lbs. She goes for her check up next Tuesday so we will see what her Dr has to say. Usually, it's that she's perfect. LOL
Hopefully now that her birthday has passed, things will slow down some again. We're already planning vacation...2 weeks of So Cal again. This time in May. I get to spend Mother's Day with my husband and little girl at Disneyland...just what I've been wanting for the past couple of years.
We also bought her a booster seat. Target had one on sale for $35 and the reviews were really good, so we went ahead and bought it. It is currently in the garage waiting for Lilith to grow just a bit more. Last I measured her, she's at 41.5" tall (that's half an inch since Thanksgiving!) and 36lbs. She goes for her check up next Tuesday so we will see what her Dr has to say. Usually, it's that she's perfect. LOL
Hopefully now that her birthday has passed, things will slow down some again. We're already planning vacation...2 weeks of So Cal again. This time in May. I get to spend Mother's Day with my husband and little girl at Disneyland...just what I've been wanting for the past couple of years.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Field trip!
Today we had a field trip with MOMS Club to the fire station. We had gone when Lilith was about 18 months up with the Wilsonville MOMS Club, but she was too little to really enjoy it. I thought she'd have fun today, but I think I may have been wrong. She spent half the time in my arms. The other half she kept close to me or behind my legs. I kept trying to coax her to go look at things. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with the one fireman once he got in his gear. She high tailed it to behind my legs. I tried to get her to go give him a high five like the other kids, but she stood behind me and said, "NO!" Oh well. Maybe next time. :) She did like that they had 4 refrigerators. Thought that was silly because we only have 1.
I did get some pics of her with the fire engine. :)

I did get some pics of her with the fire engine. :)
Christmas 2010
We were very excited for Christmas this year. Lilith had lots of things she wanted and we had a lot we wanted to get her. So, she was a very loved little girl! LOL I didn't have anything to open, but I did get my Kitchen Aid mixer, new cookie sheets and cooling racks, new measuring cups and spoons, and some new clothes. Kevin got a lot of bugs, a meat thermometer/timer, and glass water bottles. Lilith decided that she wanted to stay at our house Christmas Eve night so that Santa knew where she was at, but take all her presents to Grams and Papa's house to open with every one. Thursday, I baked! I made 3 batches of Oat cookies (the no-bake ones), a batch of chocolate chip (use the recipe from Williams-Sonoma), and a batch of Kiss cookies (the recipe I have is different from the ones I've seen and it's a double batch). We spent part of the day of Christmas Eve at mom and dad's. We left at 8 so that Lilith had time to get cookies and milk sat out before bed. And also hang out Magic Key up outside by our door and sprinkle Magic Reindeer Food in the yard. Of course, she fell asleep on the way home, but she woke up to get ready for Santa. :) However, she didn't get back to sleep until after we were in bed. We kept telling her that she had to get to sleep because Santa couldn't come until she went to sleep. Christmas morning we woke up around 715...mommy and daddy shouldn't be up before kiddo on Christmas! But, we were. I started making breakfast while Kevin showered. Kevin's tradition: Puffy Baked German Pancakes. However, they didn't turn out this year. :( Good thing mom had doughnut balls waiting. Kevin ended up having to wake Lilith up and she wasn't budging. Once he said "Santa came and left you presents!", she was up and running to the tree. LOL She looked so sleepy while she was opening her stocking stuffers. We let her open 1 gift before breakfast...her "purse." I wrapped it so the handles were sticking out. But it wasn't just a purse...it was the bag for her Explorer and it was inside. That, itself, was a pain to get! Only Toys R Us has the pink one and they wanted $75! Leapfrog.com was sold out. I just happened to look at TRU's website the Friday before Christmas and they had them on sale for $55. I got Lilith and myself ready and headed down to the other side of town to TRU and grabbed it. And this was after we decided to wait and get her some other things to replace it.
Santa brought Miss Lilith her Princess Aurora doll. And she was very happy about it. :) But the best reaction to all of her gifts was the one when she opened her Explorer games. We got her Mr. Pencil and Tangled. She was literally jumping up and down on her knees and squealing! She was so excited! We have no idea why she's been so obsessed with Tangled and she hadn't even seen it (we finally took her to see it Sunday afternoon). I wish we had gotten it on video. If I hadn't already gotten Tinkerbell party stuff, I would change her birthday to Tangled. I have a feeling that we may be buying her a Tangled costume among other things over this next year. LOL And she knows her name is Rapunzel, but still calls her Tangled. LOL After seeing the movie, she asked if she could get a Tangled doll from the Disney store. Thin is, the closest Disney store is at Washington Square or Clackamas....about an hour away. So, whenever we make it up there, we will go look for a Tangled doll.
Anyway, here are some pics of our Christmas.
Making Kiss Cookies

Her Explorer

Daddy helping her play

Watching for Great Grandma. She was told we had to wait for Great Grandma before she could open her presents. It was killing her. LOL

Her Princess Aurora doll

The best picture of her and her games

Having a tea party with her dolls

I bought Lilith and Evie matching outfits. Aren't they cute? The shirt says "Spending time with you is the greatest thing to do"

They also got matching Minnie shirts and sweatshirts that say "You are my sunshine." That's what they are sung. My grandpa used to sing it to my mom, my mom sang it to me, and I sing it to Lilith every night. Veronica sings it to Evie, too.

And I was going to post a couple of videos, but IE keeps dying when I try. :-/
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
~Blessed Be~
Santa brought Miss Lilith her Princess Aurora doll. And she was very happy about it. :) But the best reaction to all of her gifts was the one when she opened her Explorer games. We got her Mr. Pencil and Tangled. She was literally jumping up and down on her knees and squealing! She was so excited! We have no idea why she's been so obsessed with Tangled and she hadn't even seen it (we finally took her to see it Sunday afternoon). I wish we had gotten it on video. If I hadn't already gotten Tinkerbell party stuff, I would change her birthday to Tangled. I have a feeling that we may be buying her a Tangled costume among other things over this next year. LOL And she knows her name is Rapunzel, but still calls her Tangled. LOL After seeing the movie, she asked if she could get a Tangled doll from the Disney store. Thin is, the closest Disney store is at Washington Square or Clackamas....about an hour away. So, whenever we make it up there, we will go look for a Tangled doll.
Anyway, here are some pics of our Christmas.
Making Kiss Cookies
Her Explorer
Daddy helping her play
Watching for Great Grandma. She was told we had to wait for Great Grandma before she could open her presents. It was killing her. LOL
Her Princess Aurora doll
The best picture of her and her games
Having a tea party with her dolls
I bought Lilith and Evie matching outfits. Aren't they cute? The shirt says "Spending time with you is the greatest thing to do"
They also got matching Minnie shirts and sweatshirts that say "You are my sunshine." That's what they are sung. My grandpa used to sing it to my mom, my mom sang it to me, and I sing it to Lilith every night. Veronica sings it to Evie, too.
And I was going to post a couple of videos, but IE keeps dying when I try. :-/
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
~Blessed Be~
Handmade Christmas
I actually got a handful of things made for Christmas this year. My niece, Evie, got 2 pairs of Leggies (Baby Legs), a round taggie toy, and a doll. Lilith got a matching doll, but with darker hair and a baby carrier. I was so excited for the baby carrier. I had been wanting to make one for Lilith for awhile now. However, I couldn't find any real tutorial, so I made up my own. I searched Etsy and the rest of the web for some for sale to get some ideas on sizes. And I used buckles in stead of tying it or velcro. I just may make some to put on my Etsy store. :)
So, here it is!

Here's Lilith's doll. The girls are making such wonderful faces, but it's the best pic of the doll. Evie's has lighter brown hair. They're Black Apple Dolls. I found the pattern on Martha Stewart's site. And I will NOT be making any more. I had problems.

And here is Evie with her taggie toy. I put bells in it, too so that that it would make noise. She LOVES tags and ribbons right now. (And that's my brother, Shawn, and his wife, Veronica.)

So, here it is!
Here's Lilith's doll. The girls are making such wonderful faces, but it's the best pic of the doll. Evie's has lighter brown hair. They're Black Apple Dolls. I found the pattern on Martha Stewart's site. And I will NOT be making any more. I had problems.
And here is Evie with her taggie toy. I put bells in it, too so that that it would make noise. She LOVES tags and ribbons right now. (And that's my brother, Shawn, and his wife, Veronica.)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
9 years ago on this date, something wonderful happened. I married my best friend. We've had lots of ups and downs over the past 9 years, but I'm glad to have had them all with Kevin.
Did you know that we have known each other since high school? 1995 seems so long ago these days. Kevin's been my best friend since then and he has always been there for me. I couldn't have fallen in love with a better man. :)
Kevin and me today
(Hopefully, I'll get a chance to scan one of our wedding pics and get that posted soon.)
Happy Thanksgiving!
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