Wednesday, January 14, 2009

9 more days!

9 more days and we'll be the parents of a 2 year old! It's hard to believe how fast the last 2 years have gone. I miss my tiny newborn (even though she wasn't so tiny), but my little girl is so much fun. She makes me smile, even when it's midnight and all I want to do is go to bed. (Monday night, for example.) She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses. Lilith learns new words pretty much daily, even long words that we don't expect her to say (most current was "Tomorrow" which comes out "morrow.") She's pretty much day-time potty trained. We still have the occasional accident and even bad days. She's even starting to tell us when she has to go. Lilith's learning how to jump and march now. She enjoys that Kevin's working from home twice a week. She'll run into the bed room, yelling Dada, and give him the biggest hug.

One thing remains the same...she still loves her Mime (Mickey)!

Sunday, January 11, 2009 walking into Target

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Flooding in OR

For those that haven't called to ask, we're fine. The floods aren't anywhere near us and where we live in Wilsonville is up on a bit of a hill.

I'll write more later, just wanted to let everyone know that we're ok. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lilith's turning 2!

I was working on birthday invitations last night and today and decided that I should probably come up with a list of suggestions. So, here they are!

* Clothes (size 2T)
* Little People
* Lego's
* Art stuff (crayons, markers, finger piant, paper, Play-Doh, ect.)
* Pretend play stuff (vacuum, broom, mop, ect.)

That's all I can think of right now. If I think of more, I'll edit this post. Also, invitations will be going out by Friday.