Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another cute Lilith moment

Of course, my days are filled with cute Lilith moments, but last night was just too cute and even surprised Kevin.

After dinner, we took a trip to the mall...without any stroller. At least I had my carrier just in case. We let her walk a good part of the time until she just quit listening then up on my back she went. Last night was the first time she was not in a stroller in the Disney Store. She went back and forth picking up stuffed animals and telling us what they were then put them back where they belonged. At one point we ended up over by the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toys where she picked up a toy with all the characters. She pointed at each one and named them. She's been doing this for a week or two for me, but Kevin hadn't seen it before and was rather impressed. After she was done, back on the shelf it went and she moved onto the next thing. I think we spent half an hour in there before I finally picked her up and took her to the potty.

We've also been working on our ABC's. She will repeat almost every letter. There are a couple that are hard to understand. She also repeats with numbers, too. She's slowly starting to put a couple of words together. And she's learned how to put her jacket on by herself, but it usually ends up being upside down. She did put it on rightside up the other day. She also put a sock on by herself last night.

She's just growing up too fast!

January 28, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lilith's 2 year check up

We went this morning for Lilith's 2 year well baby check up. And like always, she's perfect. Lilith is now 28lbs 11.5oz (75%), 2'11.5" (88%), and head circumference is 19.25" (84%). All are a huge jump from 18months. She's growing like a weed! No major concerns. She was referred over to the Early Intervention program for a couple developmental things she isn't doing, yet (jumping, kicking a ball, and walking up/down stairs). But, he said they're not a big deal and it's just to make sure.

In other big girl news, she's pretty much daytime potty trained. We have an accident every now and then, but that's ok and so much better then when we started. We haven't even thought about night time training, yet. Her DR said that's ok and it usually takes longer for them to be ready for that. She also no longer has her pacifier. Mommy "lost" it Wednesday night before her birthday. She's been doing fine without it. She does ask for it every night just to make sure it's still missing. Lilith is also giving up her naps. Her DR said she's getting plenty of sleep...she's just wanting it all at once. And it's ok. Mommy just doesn't get that 2 hour break.

Anyway, that's all for now. I will update again soon. Also, I'm going to work on updating flickr tomorrow!