Just a month and a half until my baby is a 3 year old. We're having her birthday party early this year. The reason? Nana will be visiting! She arrives 12/29 and heads home on 1/10. So, kiddo's party will be on 1/9 so that Nana can be there for it. I'm sure we will do something small on her actual birthday, too.
Anyway, here are some quick details on her party:
Lilith's princess party will be on 1/9/2010 at 3pm
Held at our house (If you need the address or directions, please email us.)
We'll have pizza and cupcakes.
I had already posted a "wish list" for her, but here is a quick updated one.
~ Tag books (Please, no Dora, Diego, or SpongeBob. We have our reasons.) She's getting the Tag system for Christmas (not the Tag Jr.).
~ My Little Pony
~ Little People
~ She's wearing a 4T in clothes (Technically, she wears a 3T, but we've been buying 4Ts so they last longer.) *I should also add that she loves to wear dresses and skirts now.
~ Hello Kitty
~ Word World
~ Disney
~ Books (If you need a list of what she has or need suggestions, just ask.)
~ Puzzles
~ Games (She has Cooties, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, and a Memory game.)
~ Thomas the Train (she has the wooden tracks)
~ Zu Zu pets
She's asked Santa for a pink sewing machine, so she'll be getting that. She's also getting a Sit and Spin, a new baby doll, and baby doll things (like a crib, highchair, etc.). Grams and papa will be getting her a doll house. Mom said that she will get her some of the other sets that don't come with it for her birthday. I'm also thinking of getting her some preschool type workbooks. Lilith is also going to be getting a new big girl bed for her birthday, or a little after. Here's the bedding I've picked out. (She'll most likely be getting the quilt instead of the comforter.) I like it because it matches her baby stuff. She will need some plain sheets, too (for accidents).
Anyway, if you have any questions, just ask. Hope to see you there!
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