Sunday, August 29, 2010

Days 9, 10, and 11 of 30

Weekends get so crazy for us. Some days, I don't even touch an actual computer. The main computer is hard to use because it's in the office and Kevin is almost always in there after work...especially now that school is back. This is his last term! Not looking forward to the 40-50page paper I'll have to read, but at least it's done 5 pages at a time. Anyway...

day 9- something youre proud of in the past few days

There has been a couple of things to have happened this week. First, I had already posted, but I finally put stuff up on Etsy. I need to get more up, but it's kind of crazy right now. I really need to hang pictures and shelves and what not. We have family coming in a week.

The other is I got Lucy done! Lucy is my quilt that I've been working on for awhile. I even used mom's Long Arm and quilted it and then learned how to do the binding. I'll take pics and post a blog entry about it later. I have to take it back from Lilith...she's stolen it. LOL

day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

I used to be able to do this one better. But, things have changed over the years and it's a bit harder for me to actually list them. Most of the time I listen to Bon Jovi and 3 Doors Down. But when sewing and cleaning or just wanting to be silly with kiddo, I put on the soundtrack from Mama Mia. I can finally listen to this song without crying. It's taken awhile. I also still like the Ska bands from high school and Techno when I'm hyper.

Slipping Thru My Fingers from Mama Mia!

day 11- another picture of you and your friends

Seriously? I'm not going to do this again. If you really want to see what few friends I have, go to the other entry. I only have a couple of pictures and I put them all there!

And just because it's such a sweet picture...

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