Secondly, her speech is just fine! Stop correcting her! Lilith is only 3.5! She will learn how to say things correctly as she gets older. And I happen to like how she says certain things. Main one being I love's "Ya ya too." I hope she never stops.
Third, yes she is spoiled, but that's OK! There is a difference between being spoiled because she is loved and being a spoiled rotten brat. She IS NOT a spoiled rotten brat. She doesn't throw fits in the middle of the store because she can't have something. She just says "ok, maybe next time." She is our only child and we can spoil her as much as we want. I was spoiled growing up and I turned out just fine!
Fourth, no she does not have perfect manners. Once again, she is only 3.5. We feel that she has rather good manners for her age. She's still learning.
And finally, she does not have too many clothes! Yes there is a lot, but she wears most of them. And it's not just 1 season's worth of's all of them. Plus, I still need to go thru them and pull out things that are small. It hasn't been done since February.
My child is perfect as is. Please stop trying to change her! And please call her by her correct name, not what you think it is.
Just a note: It's been a long week already and my father in law and his girl friend aren't even here, yet! October 1st is just 23 days away! We need a vacation!
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