The week before Easter, Lilith had 3 different egg hunts (the MOMS Club Easter party, the egg hunt in Villebois--our area--, and Wilsonville's egg hunt). I think she got about 5 eggs at each one. All the kids kinda freaked her out and were quicker then her. And it didn't take her long to find out that they had candy in them. LOL
We spent Easter at mom and dad's. Shawn and Veronica, Aunt Monica and Chris, and Grandma Barnes were all there. Dad made his usual Brisket and Grandma made her potato salad (really need to get her recipe) for dinner (and it was so good, like normal). Mom and dad had hidden eggs for Lilith that morning. It didn't take her long to figure out how to "hunt" for eggs. And she wanted to do it all day...just like her mama! LOL (She even asked Papa to hide them for her this last weekend while we were there.) She had way too much candy and it took us a day or so to get her to forget about it.
All in all, we had a good Easter. Lilith got lots of goodies, even some handmade ones from mama that turned out very cute! I was happy to see her enjoy Easter this year. Last year, she was still too little to understand and hated being in the grass.
I'll write another update later this week, but for now, it's someone's bedtime and boy does she need it!
At the MOMS Club Easter Party 4/6/2009
After the MOMS Club Party 4/6/2009
Wilsonville's Egg Hunt 4/11/2009
On the way home from Wilsonville's Egg Hunt 4/11/2009
An arm full of eggs! 4/12/2009
The Kelley's 4/12/2009
What an adorable little easter dress! I have all boys, so no cute easter dresses in our house! (Boy would that make my husband mad if he woke up one easter morning and all the kids were dressed in little easter dresses! Too bad Easter and April Fool's Day don't fall on the same day. That would be a great joke.) heh.