Other then that, we're all doing well. Today has been a day of layoffs for ADP. Wednesday, too. Kevin is safe, but his department is down to his manager, him, and 1 other guy. He said that he will be asking to work from home permanently soon. He is still waiting for his final grades, but has A+'s in both classes and has 2 weeks off before his next classes start. He decided to take a term off later this year so that he can enjoy our Disney vacation and not worry about school.
Lilith is her usual 2 year old, self. Getting into everything, playing, being happy, and being cute. Tooth number 17 is officially in (bottom, left, second molar). Only 3 more to go. It's made her a bit fussy and snugly the past week. Since the sun has been out more, we've been going to the park more. And I'm planning on taking her out even more as it gets nicer. We even brought home her Cozy Coupe from Grams'. Sunday, we took her to the Children's Fairy Festival. It was a bit unimpressive, but she seemed to have fun. We got some really cute pictures and I'll post them later this week.
I have been busy sewing. Currently, I'm working on a skirt for myself. It should be done in a few hours. May even get another one cut out and going today. I have a couple of things to make for Lilith. And I've figured out how to make reusable sandwich/snack bags and sandwich wraps. I made Veronica a whole lunch set out of UofO fabric. She loves it and showed it off to everyone. I'm planning on making some to sell on Etsy or the Farmer's Market. Shawn and Veronica also want me to figure out how to make chalk bags for climbing. So, once I get that figured out, I'll try selling those, too. Kevin keeps trying to get me to make things for myself and not everyone else. LOL I know, I need to and I want to. I just have sewing ADD sometimes. LOL
I should get going. I promised Lilith I would put in the next Lilo and Stitch movie. More to come soon, and pics.
November 8, 2009 (Give or take a day)
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