Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy half-birthday, kiddo!

Today is kiddo's Half-birthday. I can't believe she's 2 and a half already! She's getting so big! She's learning new words every day and starting to put more words together. She got a bike a couple of weeks ago. We're still working on teaching her how to pedal, though. All of her teeth have popped thru. She has a dentist appointment on 8/25th...a "Happy visit." Hopefully she likes Dr. Ulmer better then the dentist she saw last year (I sure do). Next year, though, she gets xrays and a full exam. I have an appointment the same day right after her's. She should be able to watch them clean mine. Mom's planning on going with, too. Lilith has gotten really good at I Spy. Aunt Heidi bought her a book on Monday and she found everything by the time we got home. I finally got the last couple of things today to make her an I Spy bag and will get that made this weekend. Lilith loves to dance and sing. One of her favorites now is Mama, Mia! (Or Me Ma as she calls it.) Today, she managed to copy the dance they did on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. (And also, now Heidi and I have the song stuck in our heads). New favorites also include Hello Kitty and Word World. We;re still working on counting and ABC's, but she'll get thing at a time.

The biggest news...Lilith is officially day time potty trained! And I think night time will be soon. This week, we've gone out several times without a cover over her panties and have not had an accident in over a week (even when we went to the movies!). We still need to work on pooping in the potty, but it'll happen soon. I also bought things to make her some new covers for bed time. Her eczema has been flaring up on her tushie and I think the covers we use are causing it. She got a package of Hello Kitty panties to celebrate today. All her Gerber training panties are going to be put away and used to nap/bed time.

In other news...Kevin and I are doing well. We have just over 100 days until we head to Disney World. I have been busy sewing baby things for Kevin's cousin, Sweetwater, and a friend of ours. Both are having baby girls. I have lots of things for myself and a few things for kiddo. There's also things for Pieces of Me to be made. Kevin's been busy with work and school. It's been an interesting couple of weeks at work for him...his manager was told to step down or take the severance package. He took the severance. The other manager that he has been working with him (and is his current manager) doesn't understand why Kevin is still where he is and is going to work on getting him his promotion. Kevin is on break between terms at the moment. He's still waiting on his grades and starts his next term on Wednesday. He also found out that he is receiving the Pell Grant and is also able to get an extra $1700 from FAFSA.

OK, it's time for kiddo to head to bed. I will try to write again soon.

4th of July

She woke up really early that day and fell asleep at 10am on the couch watching Cars

Playing in the bottom of the box from our new TV

Her new bike

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pictures updated

For those of you who do check this, I just wanted to give a heads up that I got flickr updated today. Flickr
A new blog entry coming soon.