Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My 101 in 1001 list

This is my list. I'm trying to get Kevin to come up with one, too.

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1,001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of effort on your part).

Why 1,001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1,001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
101 Things in 1,001 days (December 1, 2008 to August 29, 2011)


1. Eat more fruits & veggies
2. Exercise at least 3 days a week for a month
3. Loose 10lbs.
4. Turn the TV off during the day
5. Go for walks
6. Floss every day for a month
7. Drink 8-8oz glasses for a month
8. Take a multi-vitamin everyday for a month
9. Put lotion on everyday after showering


10. Help out with the finances more (eventually take them over)
11. Put money into the savings account every payday


12. Get a family portrait done
13. Have a family date night once a month
14. Play in the snow with Lilith (Dec. 2008)
15. Play with fingerpaints & Play-Doh with Lilith (Bought Play-Doh for Christmas 2008 and played with it a few times.)
16. Have dinner at the table
17. Play more games


18. Have a date night once a month
19. Spend more quality time with Kevin
20. Make Kevin a German Chocolate cake from scratch
21. Finalize our decisson on more kids
22. Go to Kevin’s graduation
23. Support all of Kevin’s decissions


24. Teach Lilith more signs
25. Teach Lilith some Japanese
26. Start/finish Lilith’s scrapbook
27. Potty train Lilith (started 9/3/2008)
28. Find a preschool
29. Make a blanket for Lilith’s babies
30. Make Lilith’s b-day cake from scratch
31. Get Lilith’s passport
32. Finish Lilith’s learning book
33. Make a quilt out of Lilith’s baby clothes
34. Read to Lilith every day for a month (0/30)
35. Take Lilith to the park when it’s nice outside
36. Teach Lilith her ABC’s and 123’s
37. Teach Lilith to swim
38. Take Lilith to a movie—just the 2 of us
39. Celebrate Lilith’s “Half” birthday each year


40. Get Etsy shop going (got my name 11/30/2008 having a personal problem getting it going because of the new CPSIA law)
41. Have a booth at a farmer’s market
42. Finish pink scarf
43. Wear makeup everytime I go out for a month (0/30)
44. Wear hair down more
45. Get a massage
46. Do something for myself once a month
47. Make myself some new clothes
48. Wear dresses and skirts more
49. Write in my blog everyday for a month
50. Make a list of 50 things that make me happy
51. Buy a pair of spikey/sexy heels
52. Find the “Perfect” jeans and buy some…no matter the price


53. Hang pictures
54. Paint/decorate Lilith’s room
55. Finish table/chiar/rockers for Lilith
56. Clean once a week
57. Pick up every night
58. Buy Lilith a dresser
59. Buy Lilith a toy shelf


60. Donate hair to Locks of Love
61. Make 10 quilts for Project Linus (0/10)


62. Use our reusable bags
63. Make some reusable bags
64. Make and use some reusable produce bags


65. Clean out my closet
66. Organize the kitchen
67. Organize our bathroom closet


68. Learn Japanese
69. Learn Sign Language
70. Do Project 365
71. Cook dinner from scratch once a month
72. Learn to use Photoshop
73. Make a quilt for our bed
74. Make a velvet quilt
75. Learn to use the Longarm
76. Read a book
77. Make a buckle MT
78. Participate in 100 Snapshots
79. Learn to make Banana Nut Bread from scratch
80. Make 5 new friends (0/5)
81. Go to playgroup/MOMS event twice a month for 6 months
82. Go out & use the 5D everyday for 2 months


83. Go to Disney World (11/9/2009)
84. Go to England/Ireland/Scottland
85. Visit family in CA
86. Go to the Seattle Quilt Show with mom
87. Go to the Portland Rose Parade
88. Go camping during the summer for a weekend
89. Spend a weekend in Seaside
90. Go to St. Helen’s
91. Go to Crater Lake


92. Start/ finish our Japan book
93. Host a Christmas party
94. Buy a tea set
95. Get my mixer
96. Buy/make a peacoat
97. Decorate for Christmas in early December every year
98. Send out Christmas cards with pictures every year
99. Print and frame Lilith’s “L” pictures
100. Make Christmas cookies with Lilith each year
101. Create a new 101 in 1001 list when this one is done

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